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Thursday, November 30, 2006

weLL..wEnt to da nEw sKooL juS noW..with mA deAr iFa..aCcoMpany hEr der to gEt sum tShirts for diS sunday's 10kM ruNnin' mAratHon..hopE shE can gEt tO dA tOp 10 or suMtiNk...cOinCindentally, mA tuitIon tChr, Mr Misai, oSo sigNed uP fOr thAt thiNg, hAhA..hE aSked mE tO chEer for hiM, & i waS lykE, wAd dE heCk...well, i tiNk hE knEw dat i got chAmpiOn fOR cHeerLeader wen i wAs in priMary 6.. LOLx..reAlli reAlli! mA house, OSPREY( da naMe oF suM bird) Got firSt in bOth tHE spOrts seCtiOn & thE cheErLeadEr..& i wAS onE of oF thE chEerLeaDer..wHAaaEeee!!! hAhAh...mISs thOse tiMes...hmm..

oUh well, sO ya, bACk to present, b4 goIn baCk hOme, weNt tO lot 1 fOr suM sWeEtaLks wif mA oreOchocoLatE! oOOooo..nice...iCeyy niCE...! hOooHhoo!!
oUh well...
tMr..goT a pLan..bUt i duNo whEther to go or tO buSted suMoNE..hAhA..i rareLy dO dat nOwadAes....i'll sEe firSt lar..for nOw, u gEt ur eYebaLLs oFf my bLog!! NOW! BLAH!

_=U Are uNfoRgiven, tiLL etErniTy=_

* 11/30/2006 02:05:00 PM

Heyya'LL wAsSSsuuup!!!

yEAh..sO wasSup wif mE thEse days? hmm, nOe wad, mY fReAkin physiCs proJect is bAckt O hAunt mE! SHIT, u nOe wad? my partnEr & mAself was hAlf way dOne wif tHe prOject & tHE tChr in charge had tO eMail us & sAy wAt, "i've doNe a grAve mistAke, actualli thE tOpic tt u do is aLready beEn dOne by otHer grp & theirs haf bEen approved eArlier thEn urs by oTher tChr. so sorry bUt u haf to chOose another topic yada yada yada....."FFFFFISSHHH & CCHIP!!!!
wad da heAven is tHAt CRAP?????!!
sO wad nOw? i HAf tO reDo evritiNK?? gO tO heLL LA! oUh mA GOAT! i feEL lyKe kiCKiN' hEr sTUpid fAce iN dA fieLd mAn! fReakin SHIT! Araarararagghhh!!!! DAMN FULL TIME ARH!

No chOice hAf i? waD a MAD wOMAn shE is? eeerrkkkk!! DISGUSTIN.


So ya, beSides tt, i've bEen wOrkin on mA mAlay Lang. aSs, oUh no, i' ve cOmpLeTed it haLfWay, & tMr is dA dEADLINE! 30/11/06! hMm..nid tO eMaiL it sOoon i gUess..weLL..hope hE likes iT..wAHhah!! wAd a hOPE! oF couz he wiLL likE it. iT's dOne by ME! hAHA! hMm.. & as uSuaL, whiLe i waS doiN thE maLay CRAP, i fOrgOt suM mAlay wOrds...sO likE usuaL, i aSk aniOne hu's oNlinE iN mA MSN ContAct (a mAlay pEep larh) & aSk hiM/hEr hOw to traNslaTe suM eNg wOrds tO mALay...like wad de heLL!..bUt they've bEen daMn heLpfuL tHou, yUpp,.. tHAnKS tO thOse ppL hU i aSked ya heLp fOr, appreAciAte it grEatLy! hmM..hOpefuLLy mA eLd sIS woNt reAd diS poSt, if nOt i'm iN ligHt SHiT, hmm, oUh weLL, shE aLways aSk mE tO reAd thOse 'bEriTa hArian' shits..& i diD lykE wEn shE aSked mE tO, bUt seConds afTa thAT, i'll juS leAve thAt thIng on thE tabLE & off to suM hOtsPotz or juS hAng mAseLf on thE coMp..wAhahah!! hmm, tOo bAd, i fiNd thAt MALAY NEWSPAPER is FreAkin' BORING!! *yAwNzzzz* NO OFFENCE TO BERITA HARIAN's lOyaL READERS tHou..wAhaahah!!!

hMm..okAyy, mA *yAwNz* above is for dat mLy newSpapEr & for nOw, it's 6.07aM & i'M stiLl nOt sLEepin'! mA siS juS woKE uP & oFf tO suM shOwer b4 heAdiN' off tO weRk..& i hAf tO wAke up likE at 9aM latEr tO aCCompAny my deAr iFa oFf tO thE nEW sKOooL tO gEt suM stuff deR...hMm, bEtta shUt mA coMp nOw. niD suM sLEep stiLL...

So u ppL out dEr hu's stiLL reAdin dis pOst of mA bLog, i deMand u tO clOse thiS wiNdow NOW! NOW!! i SAy NOW! if NOt u diE! wAHAHHAAahah!!BLAH!

_=U arE uNfoRgivEN, tiLL etErnitY=_

* 11/30/2006 05:50:00 AM

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Heyya'LL! firStLy, thiS poSt is especiaLLy to aLL ma loVEd oNes hU cOmmeNted oN ma bLOG!!
hEhe...hohOhO... weLL weLL, mA firSt tiMe doIn dis bLoggin..hAha..feLt hAppy & i duNo, i meAn, i usEd to tink tt BLOGGIN is jus a waSte of time & eLeCtRicity..(REALLI REALLI) LOLx! Now, okAyy, i tiNk u ppL cAn getta noe mE bEtta in mA bLog..i tiNk sO..i'll juS xprEss evritInk hEre sO ya..hohOhO!

oUh ya, btw, My sPeciAL "tHanKew sO mucchh" gOes to:

HIDAYAH! { mA beSt cUzzzin evA! + mA loyaL reAder (hEhee)}
ROZENA! {mA danCe + tuitiOn girLfRen}
NORAZILAH! {mA 1St heArt since 2000 & cOuntiN'}
SHAMINA!{ mA tuiTiOn lOng lOSt mAte!}

fOr mAkin effOrt to prAisE mA bLog! LOLx, tHE thIng is, suM of thEse girLs SMS-ed mE, eMaiL-ed mE, caLL-ed mE juS tO praiSE mA blOg! tt's y iM sO *TOUCHED*! whEeeee!! tHankiew Eh! & juS cheCk out mA blog for mORe iNtereStin Stuff, iM gonA add sumstuff up, beSideS all thiS cOlorfuL foNts, im gOnA add suM iNteReStin things..yUpp..stiLL pLannin' it..sO yAr, dO cum bACk fOR more stuff aite!

& tO ADIT & DAVE, thAnks fOr tAggiN'! *hUgs* to u bOth!
ACtuaLLy, CREDITs tO MA LIL' SIS, sHE heLpEd mE a LOt! wAhhaha!!

aLrigHts, dat's aLL fOr nOw, u cAn juS cLosE thiS pAge & gO shAke ur Butt. i nOe ur lisTenin' to sUm crrRrraazy tUnes ryte nOw, sO ya, bLAH!

<-oUh yah, tRust mE.

* 11/28/2006 04:08:00 AM

Sunday, November 26, 2006

okayy, i duNo wad's dat laff fOr, dun aSk me, aSk OCBC. LOL!!!!! wAhhahahahah!!!!
oKAyy Shaikah!! okayy,,okay,, *randoM*

bTw,,ya, wad's ma stOry tOday? erM...okAyy..last nIte was grEAt, yeAh, chAtted wif ma cRush.. wEhhee...well, initiaLLy waS diSappOinted at firSt cOz he aSked fOr my frEn's nO. da nYte b4, & dEn, surprisingLy, hE addEd mE uP on mSn & well we cHatted..fRm arnd 1am Up tiLL 5am..yeAH, we both cUdnt sLeEp..yUpp... whEeeEe!! & da thIng is, hE deCided nOt to caLL uP ma frEN, duN aSk me wHy...sO ya, thAt's all...

sO TODAY, wOke up reAlli late, wAhhaha!oUh weLL, iT's hOls okAyy! but i guEss it's stiLL abit wrOng to wAke up at 2pm, rYta? hOhohO! oUh weLL, juS hoPe i'll wAke uP eARly tMr. So ya, woKe up, bAth, eAt 2 coOkies + plain wAter= sHit. afTA cLeArin mA boweL up, prEpAre mA stUff & oFf tO GYM. had tO weRk on my fiTneSs.. (i'll bE up in da gYm jus weRkin on my fitNess, hE's ma witNEss..bLAbLAbLA..) okAy, bACK, So ya,to da gyM, ALONE! eeRrrhkkk..wAdevEr, im aLwAys aLoNe aniwAys, u Noe, SOlitude..lolx!

okAy, sO in da gYM, wErk ma asS oUt & tHe sUrpriSin thIng iS, sAw 2 gUys fRm ma sCh, my sEniOr actually.. fAuzi (yr 3 gUy) wif his fREn, diDnt quiTE nOe his naME..yUpp! tHEy reCognised mE aS i wAs weAriN' mA dEar 'MI' p.E. tSHirt. yArr.. dUN laff LArh! den den...erm...oUh, afTa doiN thE tRackmiLL, wiPe ma sWeat oFf & wEnt tO my bAg tO guLp dOwn sum H2O & cOiNcidEntally, fAuzi's frEn was tAkin oUt sum stuff frm hiS bag & he waS sQuattin nEAR ma bag..aNd suMhow wE eyE-cOntact eAch oTher, i mEAn he sAw mE cOmin, sO we juS sMiLed. yUpp, wEn i wAs drinkin, he lOoked aT mE, lolx..afta tt i wEnt tO dO suM crUNches & hE went up tO fauzi..& dat's da laSt lOok i gavE on 'em b4 i wEnt tO thE laDies tO shOwer & freShen up.afta tt, i diDnt sEe 'em aniMOre, prObabLy thEy're iN da gEnts to frEshen up tOo..sO i juS sigN oUt & stEp oUtta tHE fitNEss cEntre & oFf tO LOt 1 tO tradE in $3.70 fOr a bOwl of beAncurd & hOt sOya driNk...dEn oFF tO my paLaCe! yUpp.

sO baSicaLLy juS diD sUm woRkOut tOday, & diD suM nOte reAdin' fOr my geOg on "MASS WASTIN" afTa wAtchin JAMES BOND on cHn5 & hEre i aM nOw, typiN' on mY niCE bLOg! i nOe it's niCE, reAlly coLorfuL & cOoL. i noE, u duN nid tO sAy it oUt lOud. wAhhha!

sO u cAn jUS shOo oFF nOw & comPLetE ur weRk tt is stiLL pEnding, oUh cUm' oN, skOoL stArtin in a MOnths' tiMe, & A MONTH is NOt lOng, trUst me. okayy, bLAh uH!

<-oUh yah, tRust mE.

* 11/26/2006 10:42:00 PM


FiNally! iM doNe wif mA BLOG!! wAhahah!
oUh weLL, aCtualli my old bLog is tOtally DEAD. & dUE tO spEciaL demanDs, i diD a new oNE & heRE it is! Yupp, SHAI's bLog rEtURns! iT's finaLLy aLive & kiCk'in! LOLx!
yuPP, nOw i nOe hOw tO usE thEse 'used-t0-be confusing cOdes' dat my diaMond(ma yOunger siS) aLways uSe, lolx! okAyy, So yA, happiE brOwsin' & enjOy mA muSic! yArh! leAve a tAg if u wAnt tO, hoHohO!hOho!

ALrigHts, bLAh!

<-oUh yah, tRust mE.

* 11/26/2006 01:16:00 AM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

HEyyyaa! Noe wAdd!! dis was really uNexpeCted! i was at lOt 1 juS now at arnd 6 pLus, was fRom AshikiN's to discUss da phYsic prOject..oUh ya, n guEss wad! i saw a daMn crOwd infRont Old Chang Kee stall...hMm..i waS wonderin, waSsup wif dat crOwd?? sO, i went to tAke a lOok at da poSter nEar thE oCk's coUnter and shOCkingLy, it stAtes: " CURRY O' AT 50! JUS FOR TODAY,22/11/06!"! wad da heLL aM i wAitin fOR! i stArted to Q for 'em of cOuz!!! wAhaha!! & beiN a reAlli gD frEns to my belOved heaRts, adit & ziLa, i bEep-ed 'em up to infoRm, & weLL adit's up fOr it & ziLa dun really....hahah.. thEy r contrAdicting 'emseLves!! lol..

okAyy lar, wanna guLp dwn suM dinner, ciaOz diNg.! bLaH!

* 11/22/2006 08:48:00 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

Okayy, to thOse hu diDn notice, THIS IS MY 1ST BLOG ENTRY! hmm, dun laff lar..!

wAhahah!! well well...yeSterdae, got a jOb intErview suMwhere at RobinsOns BuiLding...hOhohO! i waS shOrtListed sO ya..gOt dA jOb lar...wif my 2 heArts!..BUT BUT BUT, (okay,here cums da BUT), the briefing waS DAMN LONG! Da lOngeSt reCord brEakin iNterview ever!! iT was iNterview at 1st, & den the briefing which they termed as 'orieNtatiOn' and then a sesSion abt ' nEtwOrkin' CRAP, HoLee buLL! And the sEssIOn is aLL abt BUSINESSMAN & hW tO mAKe mOney w/o forkiN out a single cent..blablabla... CRAP! TOTAL CRAP i tell u! hOhOhO! okayy..so during the buLLshit seSsions, u nOe wat i did..yUpps, jus lOokin arnd the boring rOom, figiting like nO one's bisness, onli smiLe n acting like im payn attention to the guy hu conduct the talk when he loOk at me...haiz..CRAP!!!

So, yUpp, i wont be a gONDOL as to aCcept the jOb, of cOuz i rejeCted it! wAHhaaha!! I feeL MuCh mUch betTer!...hOhOhO!

sO, suppoSedly there is a trAinin today at 11aM buT heCk, pUt tt asiDe, i gOt better things tO do like wiNDow shoppin & sMall shoppin sPree!! yeAhhh!!! LOL! So, i SMS the guy( who's quite yOung &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; erm, he got a twiN) & informed him abt mE & ma heArts being ' NOt So iNtereSted' in da jOb..haha..well.. a cAse soLved! hahah! So ya, evritinks FINE now..can apply oTher jObs which is more suitabLe n undErstandabLe tO my aGe, 17! LOL...

so ya, tOday, instead of goin for the STEWPIT trainin, i went to J.E. for suM shoppins and cCk for suM windOw shOppins and U.T. foR suM applicatIOns of jObs..Ouh well wEnt der wiF MY 1st HEART,NoraziLah! HAd totaL FUn oF cOuz! we biTChed & we giggle & we crAp & we shOpp & we mAke fUn of the ppL arnd us & we jus wENt cRazzzyyy tRyin suM cLothes frm THIS fashIon!!! hahahhha!!! FUN RYTE?? rYta??? hOw u wiShed u weRe in my shOe jus nOw ryte? & smeLL my woNderfuL pErfuMed feet! rytA??? hahahhahah!!! oKAyy,, SHaikah is goin bErsErk!! heLP!!! hEr hYpertiSm is Actin uP!!! HELP!!

uh,fOr nOw, yOu can juS SHUT UP & gO SHUT doWN ur cOmp, the eLectriCity biLL is iNcreAsin...
BLAST! :D_ShA-ee-kAh_ :D

* 11/17/2006 08:45:00 PM

->BlOody 20.PakisArabChinese.tO da wEst.MilleNia Inst.lOve pOp & siStaz.bUbbLetEa.fiSh&chip.babies. muSic.mOvies.HiPhOp'iN.stReEtsOcca. ThaNks 4 ViSitiN.NOTE: THIS BLOG WORKS BEST WITH INTERNET EXPLORER!=D <-

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S.N.FaDhiLLaH (mA diAmoNd) ms-shaikah.blogspot.com
[fer heLpin' oUt wif mY layOut & iNtrOduce mE tO this blOggiN' worLd!
> >dUn lafff uH u aLL!< <

[iDEas ♂ origiNal bY my bRaiNetwOrk • nO iMMitatOrs!