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Saturday, January 27, 2007

pLeaSe igNore thE grp piCs belOw, thEre are errOrs.. & pls save thiS 2 piCs above, it's Error-less! hEeheh! :D

cHEers to N.O.C!
lOves, ShykAh :D

* 1/27/2007 06:53:00 PM

* 1/27/2007 06:31:00 PM

Hurray! yEAh.. Let's taLk abOut sOcca shaLL wE? WHEee!!

hMm.yeSterday, Fri 26012007, had a tRainin wif mY LoveLy NOCs!! yeAhz! daMn fun! haha! weLL, wE pLayed in tHe raiN, & it waS heavy i teLL u. we wEre aLL dRencHed like mAd! haha..bUt nvr mind that, wE stiLL eNjoyed ourseLves! yeah..the WET & wiLd & sExxay & crAzzy girLs at the YISHUN strEetsOcca court. u sAw 'em? yeAh, thAts's uS, The N.O.C!! LOL!

wAhah! iNitiaLLy wE all wore the shOe, bUt we dEcided to take it off as it was sO terribLy sLippery pLayin with the shOes on. sO, wAt's next, BLISTERS!! yeAhs! haha! hMm,, we matChed wif 2 diff teaMs, the 1st is 4 gUys wAitin their trAiNee cOaCh to comE to cOach them fieLd sOCca ( jus nxt to oUr stReetsOcca court), so we plAyed wif 'em..nOt that bAd...bOthe teAMs did weLL.. yUpp. the 2nd was theSe lil kiDs..prObabLy sEc 2s... yeAh, ok, thEy nOt lil kids, they are tEens hU are unDer 16..LOL! oK ok, sO ya, wE mAtChed wif 'em tOo, & guEss wAt? they wERe nOt sO gOod as wat we expeCted! LOL! thE N.O.C girLs wEre bEtter! haha! sOo we juS played 'nOt -sO-seriousLy' wif 'em.. untiLL..suMonE camE in to joIn thEir team.....* ten ten ten* ( suSpense sound) yeAh.,.haha.. this MaLay gUy hu was quite taLL & brOwniSh & lOok sO CLEAN & he wOre this lOng slEeve whiTe shirt.. hMm..

sO, he jOined in, became a DEfeNder. & daMn it, wE had a heLL of tiMe to try & scOred a goaL ryte after he eNtered. wOw.. he waS damn expert at dribbLin the baLL & turn it around & tackLe. he waS Hard to beAt, like sErioUsLy. sO, the front pLAyers, Ernie, Min & maself, tried hard tO kick his leg & den shoot a gOaL while the dEfenders & gOaLkeEper, dini,nikki,zilah tried their beSt to stop the 'WHITE & CLEAn guy' from sTrikin any gOaL at aLL. & yeS, thE teAmwORk of me & ernie fAiLed at firSt. Eventually, gUeSs wat, wEn ernie & min dribbLed the ball & paSsed it tO mE at the point of tiMe wEn i waS near the gOaLpoSt right behind the 'WHITE & cLean gUy', i knEw i had tO dO IT. & so, i stOpped thE baLL on tiMe & immediateLy turned arOund & ran paSt the 'stupid white guy' and sHOOt it iN! GOAL! yeS! thAt waS a GOAL! YAY!! hahah!! The whOLe N.O.Cs cHEered happiLy to mark the end of the gaME whiLe the guYs team were like 'DAMN, that waS so EmbaraSsing' !! haha!! It waS sO NiCE!! the white guy den lOoked at us in a diff way (upsEt) & then waLk away wif hiS team. LOL! i waS So Proud of maseLf that i couLd finaLLy bEAt thAt whiTE guy's dEfence. he waS sOo Good nO doUbt! hMm, THANKS TO THE TEAMWORK OF ERNIE & AMINAH that gave mE thE oPPortunity to END the MAtCh wif tHe sUperb GOAL! hahah! & tHAnKs tO DINI, ZILAH & NAKIAH fOr thAt exCeLLent eFfort in the defenCE teamwORk! OveraLL, It waS an ENJOYABLE & MEmOrabLe BUTT-KICKIN SESSION! hUrray! & tO aDit ( the 'No-NO to sOCca' gUy) & syAmiL ( the CUtebAby-faCEd gUy), THAnkS fOR beiNg dEr & wAtchin oUr mAtCh! LOL!! :D

hMm...aLRiGhts, for tODay, anOthEr traiNin... wif thE DX21 girLs! hUrrays!! had a gOod tiMe training Today! ahhaa! lOtsa jOkes maDe by eAch onE of uS! :P wAnna heAr suM? let me liST dwn : the MAtrOck cLonE, the Gigi-LeSs rOnaLdinhO, the thigh sCratching Monkey ( this is a persOnal attack on one of the girLs) & many many more which i cAnt liSt dOwn coz funny things happened sPontaneousLy & u cAnt Re-teLL it to othEr ppL juS like thAt! hahha!! ouh weLL, we endEd the traiNin wif a maTCh n bOth teaMs drAw it wif 3-3! haha! cOaCh was suggestin the first goaL wiLL win kinda thing bUt we aLL wEre like, ' dun nid la, iT's a DRAW & jus let it bE! hAHA!!" LOL! yEAh, sO it waS the first tiMe in mA whOle sOcCa lyfe that i iNjured maseLf, a reaL big BLISTER on mA right fOot, a lil sPraiNed leFt aNkLe & smaLL bLiSters on bOth mA tOes.. haha! DAMN!! wAtEver it iS, i dun caRe larh! i had FUN! thAt's the mOSt iMpoRtant thing! haha!! ouh weLL, trAinin wiLl reSUme aftER MI's CommOn teSt & after the natiOn vaLentiNes day! LOL! sOo.. wiLL kiCk bUtts again on hOpefuLLy 17 Feb 07! tiLL hERe, BLAH!
(tO the girLs! : soME piCs are wif mE bUt are nOt upLoaded into ma blog yet whiLe somE are aLready uplOAded here! no pics in my frEnstEr fOr low profile sake! hEhe..any further trAinings for both N.O.C & Dx21, pLs cheCk oUt my frEnstEr sHoutOut bOx aite! lOves, sHy :D)

_= FreQuent cOnfuSion is iNeviTabLe in thiS caSe=_

* 1/27/2007 05:01:00 PM

Okayy... soOo...
oUh weLL.. hMm... sO waSsup wif mE theSe feW dayz? hMM.. let me tell u..

sOo..this few days (since wEdnesday) @ sCh.. it waS kinda mind bOggLing & cOnfusiOn..yUpp,, bEen thiNkin a lOt abt mA persoNaL lyfe.. & my frEns... oUh weLL.. & im juS reminiscing the things that happened in ma paSt.. & iT jus hUrts, aLOt. hMm.. hOw i wiSh suMtimEs i cAn turN thiNgs arnd & haf a bEtter lyfe.. bUt u cAnt juS chAnge FATE lyke u chANge ur cLothEs ryte? iT's juS fAted tO be that wAy & i juS haf tO aCCept it & leAVe it tO the ALMIGHTY tO decide wAt's neXt... i cAN plan bUt i cAnt controL mA lyfe.. iT's HIS jOb.. sOO..ya..i guEss, i realised that im the type of persOn hu juS leave everything tO fate.. i duN realli go aLL oUt to fiGht fOr wad i wAnt... im juS like "anything uh" kinda persOn... hMm.. is dat a rEAlly BAD thing? i cAnt dO anything abt it uh.. it's juS my naturaL behaviour.. & aLso, one mOre thing, iM oSo the type of person like 'i will teLL onLy wEn u aSk' kind.. i dun like tO infOrm evryoNe abt my life..if u wanna nOe, u aSk. iT's that siMpLe. i dun wAnna invite 'nOn-interested' party.. hMm...bUt dun u eveR uNdEreStimate ME. i cAn gO wiLd & Mad & viOlent wEn proVoked. And i makE sUre that u wiLL hatE me for the reSt of ur lyfe wen thAt happens. sOo.. yeAH.. i guEss, im juS born with thAt temperamental genes and grew up wif that kinda Attitude. It's juS in ME. nAturaLLy. u cAnt chAnge mE. bUt u cAn heLp mE by bEing huMan & shOw mE sum love. i will really appreciAte thAt. cOz sOme of us did nOt fEeL the MothErLy lOve wEn we grEw up in oUr teEnagE yEArs & sO, wE nid sum lOve frm the peoPLe arnd uS tO kip uS alive & suppoRTing oUr ambitiOn. hMm... sOrry, bUt iM juS bEin EMO here.. guEss, that's the EMO side of mE in thiS bLog. thANks for reAdin mA EMO pOst dis tiMe. & pLs, lOve thE ppL arnd u cOz u nevEr noE whO really nids it tO kip him alive in this BLARDY cOnfusing Unfair wOrLd...

=_FreQuent cOnfuSion is iNeviTabLe in thiS caSE_=

* 1/27/2007 04:38:00 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007


oUh weLL, today,afta p.E. leSson ends at 5pm, the extOhtuCkianz from the oRIGINAl 06A2 gather fOr suM birthday BASH for the bIRthday bOy! sHao wEi!! hahah!!
it waS sOo niCE & fuN! the chOColate cAke is sOo cOOlin & deliCiOus, it mAde us liCk oUr fingErs nOn STOP! LOL! then the vaniLLa fRuitcAke oSo daMn yUmmy! yAy!! CREDITS to thoSe hu bOught thE cakEs! yay! afta sum gathEring & the cUtting of cAke & the eAting of cAke, wad eLsE but it was the SABO TIME!! yAY!! haha! spLaShed & thrOw & ruB aLL the baLanCe cakEs & creams with thE canDLes on SHAO WEI's hAndsOme FACE!! LOL!! damN funny lAr!! hahah!! he lOoked as thou he had gOne for sum faciaL trEAtmEnt!! hahah! CRRREAMs all ovA his facE & hair & clOthes! LOL!! damn FUn la! the cLaSs spirit & eNthuSiasm is thEre.. nIce nICe! :D

i tOok a vidEo of thE BIRTHDAY BOY sUrroUnded wif the ORIGINAL 06a2-ians & thE "dEAreSt" MR YEW (bLUEk) wif 2 roUnd cAkes! LOVELY!! i lOikE!! haha.. the vidEo is beng uPloaded inTo ma comp rytE nOw..wiLL upLoad it here sOOn aites? :P

sOo..yeAH..today waS OK at SCh...yeAh..except fOR the fact thAt SHOBANA sent me a VIRUS (HI) sMs thAt maDe ma hp HANG for like 15 minS!! iSH!! u NAughty aSs!! LOL! :D bUT nOw it is okayy redi..hahah! sO dun wORii sHobb! LOL!

hMm..aCtualli..i kinda...fEeL reStLess.. abt suMtink thAt has bEEn goin oN in ma mind since yeSterdae...hMm... im quiTE CONFUSEd...dO i nid a counciLLor? haha! no uh, dun nid uH..haha.. hMm.. i gUEss im juS tired? realli? im nOt that tired... im juS CONFUSEd! yeAs! i aM! hMm.. guYs probs..it juS bOthErs mE.. hMm, bUt i wud lOve to sEe them together.. hOpe they can be togatha sOon... they can make a sWeet cOupLe if she accepts hiM.. & wad bOut mE? i'll mAyb bE off with the 'MD' gUy.. i duNno.. DANNieLLE, if ur reAdin dis, i juS wanna sAY that i niD mOre tiMe okAyy.. thAnks.. :D ( & ma hp is stiLL fAuLty so i cAnt contaCt ya)..

sO, he's wif HER & im wif HIM.. gOOd enuff? fair? end of story? hMm..we'LL sEe.. :(

=_FreQuent ConFusiOn is iNevitabLe in thiS caSe_=

* 1/25/2007 11:02:00 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

hAHa!! iM The HAPPIEST girL in the wOrLd ryte nOw!! wAnna nOe wHy??? BECAUSE...........................................

i fOund oUt that there is a BUBBLETEA SHOP neAr my BLOCK!!! hUurraaayyy!! ADIT!! lEts gO dWn & bUy suM OREOCHOCZ!!! nYahaha!! :P

* 1/20/2007 06:56:00 PM

oUh ya, tO DanieLLe: my phOne sPoiLt uh, cAnt sMs ppL .. gOnna sErviCe it soOn..
btw, thanks for ur conCErn dudE.. i will call u up if i niD ur heLp oKayy? ThaNks! :D

* 1/20/2007 06:49:00 PM


heEe..jUs caMe baCk frm tRaiNing..haiz..lOts of reMarks made by AmiNah,Ernie,Ifa,Zu & mE dUring our lunch at MAc..hAiz.. iT's ok girLs, we'LL discuSs it again as a whOle grp nxt wk oKayyS?? :D

sOOo tiRed & hUngry!! hhaa!! (nOw eatin LOve Letters)..yUmm...
hMM, finally ERnie jOin us baCk & mA gOat! shE's fitter thEn the MI-ans!! haha!! ERNIE! u 7 mths neVa wOrkoUt! hOw did u perfOrm so weLL juS noW?!! hEhee.. hMm, i dun tink i perform as well as i nOrmally do tOday..dUnO why..mAyb..coz im lethArgic? or izzit cOz of suM prob thAt im havin nOw? i duNnoo...jUS cudnt perform that weLL.. haiz..

ouh weLL..wE tOtally had FUN jUS nOw sO heck caRE the compLainin paRts! hEe..

this wEek at sCh...was really tiring.. the physical tRAinin during p.e., the lOng sCh hours, the tUtorials for new learnt chApters fOr sum subjects,the insufficient sLeep, aLL thiS made me fEeL LETHARGIC & MOODY at tiMes...was sOo lOokin fOrward tO the wEekends & hEre they aRE! hMm..tOday had fun...tMr..hOpe tO spEnd tMr wif mA lOve oNes.. :D

oUhweLL, oUr GP proJEct was really well doNE! BUT, the irritatin & biAs tCha jUs cudnt stOp commEnting negATiveLy on our presentatiOn, like wat de heLL la...he didnt even aCknowledge oUr effOrt but insTead kip commenting harShly to oUr grp...we r chOSen to presEnt 1st by the clASsvote & wE didnt even noe we r the 1st grp to present on that day & hence, we cudnt prepare oUr spEech..daMn! its jus unfair to my grp...iT is an advantge tO other grps tHou...cOz thEy haf enuf time to pRepAre thEir sPEech & they can iMprOve on their presentatiOn afta liStenin tO the sUggestions given frM thE tCha on oUr grp. teLL mE if THAT is FAIR???!

haiz.. beSides that bad-preSentation day, da reSt all goEs well...yEAh...thE bartLey-ians arE freNLy & we jUs can get aLong weLL.. thanK GOD.. :D

hMm..thEre sRe suM lovE matters gOin on in ma cLaSs..soME cOmmoN uNintentiOnaL racial jOkes & teAses...frEqueNT paSsing of snAcks/sWeets/cHocs arnd.. wAhaha! 06A2 is CrAaaazzzyyy!!!! i lOike!! :D

ouh well... bUt suMtink bothers me tHou... my siS weLL-being in her nEw sCh.. she had sum prObz thEre... i wAnt & i hOpe i can SAVE & PROTECT her... haiz.. gOd pLs heLp mE.. tHanK yOu.

HEre are sum dEdicatiOns that i wud like to makE .....
To My beSt bUddies: ZiLA & Nikki, I MISSSSESS YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH!!!!! teLL mE wEn ur bOth fREe & we shaLL mit uP this wEek! NO mOre excUses frm maseLf & u bOth okAyys!! hahaha!! :D

To Adit: i hOPe u will reCover fuLLy frm ur siCkness sOOon.. dO haf pLenty of reSt during the wKend okAy! eAt ur mEdicines & dun induLge in oiLy & spicy fOod fOr tHE tiMe being!! REMEMBER THAT!! haha! ( a piece of advise frM a FrieNd & nOt a MOM! pLs! HEehe!)

To RozeNa: babE! i miSs gYMin wif u! hEhee.. dO teLL mE wEn ur havin any pErformance fOr chaOtic iNc okayy! i will sUrely gO & support u gUys if i haf the tiMe! :D ouh yaA, did u manAge tO get that Vintage jAcket for ur BoyfRen?? HEehee..

To cUzzin hidAyah: hEY cUzzz! hOw are thIngs btw u & farhaN? hOpe ur feElin oKayy nOw.. :D dun sAd sAd okay.. reLax & juS chiLL oUt wif ur girLfREns if u nEed to.. dO take cAre! :D

To my diAmond sis: siS, dun be afRAid oKay, i'M aLways hEre tO makE sure ur fiNe.. jUs kOl me up if anitink hAppen ok! jUs igNore thoSe " nO futurE kinda pEoPLe" okAyy.. tHEy r NOT worth wOrryin abOut.. :D & tO that cLaSs mate of urs, teLL hiM that ur juS interested in makin frEns wif hiM & nO mOre.. dun lEt hiM get thE wrong idEa okAy! :D

To my bRo yanKEe: HAPPIEST 28th BIRTHDAY!! u oLdie! wAhah!! :D

To shArifa: duN tiNk tOo muCch abt ur diLeMMa... fOcus on CT1 firSt okies.. givE 'em & urseLf sum tiMe tO tiNk it through.. :D

And finally tO thOse hu nOe mE: dO beEp mE up if ur havIn any prObz or diLemma & aLL.. i wiLL sUreLy hELp if its Up tO ma abiLity.. dO nOt kip it to urseLf as it wiLL onLy affeCt ur stUdies.. cHeeRs! :D

oUh ya, i bEtter gEt dwn to my GP rePort & other aSsignMents!

sOo, wAt r u wAitin fOr? this pOst eNds hERe, BLAH!

=_FreQent cOnfuSion is iNeviTabLe is thiS cASe_=

* 1/20/2007 05:37:00 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

HEy hEY! yEstERdAe 13 JanuARy, my SistA tUrn 13!! hUurraaayyy!!!

haha.!! had lOtsa fun during the cElebratiOn!! whiLe eating the cakEs & HOneyed baked chicken wings n sum spicy fried nOodLe, we hAd lOsta fUnn! we chatted, we jOked, we tEAsed, we laff oUr HEads oFF!! haahha!! mY dad was tHE moSt SPONTANEOUS & my eLder siS wif hEr bOyfrEn is daMn spOrting!! it waS a mEmorabLe onE... i lOike! :D

oUh well, aftEr that my eLd sis & mE sUrprisEd the bDay girL with THE PRESENTS!!! gUEss wat! mY eld sis bOught hEr a nEw Hp, N73!!! wAlao!!! mY yOungEr sis CRIED instantLy!! haha!! she was sOo happy & tOuched to gEt sUCh EXpeNsif gIft! HEhee.. for mE, i bOught her a side bAg..bLaCk coLor wif a lil pink in it..it was niCE...hOpe she likes it, haha, she wanTed a bAG for sCh & thEre shE gOes! a nEw sCh bag wif a new hp! wOOoo!! wAHahha!! tAKE eXtra GUD CARE of uR beLonging siSs!! :D i prAy u haf a bLESSed birthday & happiness trU ouT ur liofetiMe living wif ur lOve oNEs iNc ME!! LOLX!!

my stEpmom bOught a vanilla cAke wif sum fruits & jeLLy on tOp, it was DELICIOUS!! & shE cOok thE fOod n aLL... yUmmy! we had a sUmptous mEal indEed!! yAhoooOo! & mA dad gavE tHE bday girL sUm $$$$!!!! haha.. sis, u riCh redi ryte, trEat mE sWEnsEn!! LOLx!!

oUh weLL,..& thEre is aLso a BIG BIG SURPRISE FOR ME frM ma eLdEr siS & her BoyfriENd! oH ma gOat! whEn i oPEned up the prEsent, which my eLder sis cLaimed tO be an advanced biorthday present fOr mE, i wAS sOOoo SHOCKED!! i cudnt UTTER a wORd! & i Cried iNstantLy tOo!! oh mA gOaty gOat!! ItwaS such an expensive gift that i long wanted & she got it for mE!! It was SOoo UNEXPECTED! i cudnt believe that she gOt me that present, i thanked hEr & her bOyfren milliOns of tiMe .. bUt still, the thankiews cud not make up fOr the price of that gift!! wAhaha!! sHE's iS soOO niCE! DA jie, even if u dun bought me that gift, i will still LOVE u.. dun resoRt tO this, PLEASE!! LOLx!! ahaha.. okayy, i shaLL nOt tell u guys wAt that gift iS! haha! wEn u mit mE den u'll nOe wat it iS! hOhOhoH!!

A MILLION THANKS TO MY DAD & MY STEPMOM & MY ELDER SIS & MY BRO. YANKEE!..err..wait, it's nOt ma birthday! hahah!! ouh well..jUs loVe thE celebratiOn! hOpe my yOunger sis enjoyed it tOo! HAPPIEST 13TH BIRTHDAY MY CUTIE! MAY U STAY CUTE & OBEDIENCE AS ALWAYS! LOVE U SOO MUCH DEAR! TAKE GUD CARE OF URSELF OKAYY!! MUACKKSS! :D

Okayy, tiLL hEre, gOnna eAt sum cakEs nOw..haha..the leftover of yeSterday's...HEheh... BLAH!

_=FreQuent Confusion is Inevitable in This Case=_

* 1/14/2007 11:21:00 PM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

hOLLaAaa tO aLL!

hMm.. sOo..wat happen to mE during the 2nd wEek of sCh?? hMm.. lOng sTory... but i will juS shorten it okAyys? :DSo..mOnday, waS finE.. bUt enDed at 5.45pm.. wAs tirEd cOz lOtsa subjEcts for tt day.. bUt ma cLaSsmAtes n my frEns made ma day that on that day sOo ya.. thAnks to 'em! :D bUt evryone was like sAying " hUh..it's only mOnday leh...haha, hOw i wiSh its already friday" LOL.. evEryonE jus had the sAme thOught lar..wAhaha.. pity pity us.. u nOe y? cOz the day is sOo DRAGGY! and aS ppL says, MONDAY BLUES! hEHee.. bUt thE gd thIng is, evEry mOnday, we stArt sCh at 9am, sO wE cAn haf breAkfaSt at mAc'd b4 heading tO sCh! wAahaha! cOoL iSnt it? wHEeee!!! me n my cLose bUddy, adit , waS like sOoo eCstatic on that mOnday mornin wEn wE went tO sCh togAtha..cOz wE stArt sCh laTE!! haha! oKay, enUff bOut mOnday, let's move on..........................

tUeszday, haiz.. firSt periOd only, thEre is P.E.! daMn.. 2 pEriOds.. & wAt dO wE do fOR thE 1St p.e. leSson? PRE NAFA 2.4 KM!!! aAarargghh!! oKAyy.. tHE timE to pasS fOr girLs is 16 min 20 sEc.. 6 roUnds arOund thE stAdium..&amp; it waS drizzLing for guDneSs sake.. bUt oUh weLL, 2.4 stiLL goEs on..sO wE ran.....my grp was the blue grp (blue number tags) so our time recoredEr was this taLL & big indian guy.. &amp; like shit larh! my frEns hu r in the blue grp + maseLf are not satisfied wif hiM. he suCks! suM of ma frens.. they finished their 6 rounds, & waS panting hard at the ending line.. the recorder was like bLind, & didnt sEe them ended the rounds and as a resuLt, he reCorded the time a few mins later..sUcker ryte?! that one nvr mind, other ppl hu r in the blue grp oSo suffered. whEn thEy reach thEir 5th round, the reCorder waS to inform thEm that thEy haf 1 more round to gO but this sUcker did NOT infORm 'em and they 'emseLves loSt counts of their rounds so as a resuLt, they ran 7 rounds iNstead of 6! WTH!! fOr ma cASe, iT's quiTe sTEwpit lar aCtually, i cAmE at aroUnd 16 mins 30 sEcs.. juS 10 sECs late & the time-reCorder waS stiLL dEr reCordin for others &amp; wEn i wEnt up tO hiM and tOld him to recOrd ma timing, he waS like, lOok at mE, lOok at othERs, lOok at the tcHers n dEn tUrn & walk aWay tOwards the tCha to submit the pAper. i waS likE WHHAAT!!! u cUd haf juSt reCorded mA tiMing lar.. if u dun wAnt to heLp mE paSs it's okay, bUt at leaSt record ma tiMing lar.. sO that the tCha may considEr twiCe abt pLacing us for the intensive LUNCHTIME trAinin!! YES, u sAw it right, we had tO do LUNCHTIME TRAINING IF WE FAILED THE TEST!!! WTH! luNch timE is for ppL to haf their luNCh & breAks bUt in dis cAse, It's gOnna bE an added vaLue of sCh bUrdEn!!Shits!! i duN liKE! yUCks! :X

wEd- waS damn gOod, haf fun in all the leSsons for that day, jOke arnd, ended at 1.30pm ..it waS nice!thUrs- FUCT UP DAY!!! SHITS fOr mE!! oUh gOAt!!! Okay, let mE tell u wAt happened. 1stLy, we had tO diScuzz abt thiS IRP article ( an article about sum current affairs). And the articLe waS UNFORTUNATELY abt DiVOrCE & thE eFFects oN the CHILDREN & poVErty & aLL... shiTs uh, i juS hatE doin On thAt tOpic. iT mirrOrs mE & ma experience sO i juS cudnt stand it at all.... (okay, for thoSe hu dunt nOe, i cOme from a brOken famiLy,mA biological paREnts divOrced, ma siblings under diff cUstody, & both my biological remArried & sO i haf a Step parent.. & bLa bLa BLa) yeAh.. sO ya, baCk to tHe articLe, it refLects abt ma whOle experiences exaCtLy the same thing,: divorced parents, negative effects on children, affects sCh grAdes &; conduct & disCipline & behaviours ... the whOle cLaSs jus diScussed bOut that. And the irritating thing is that, mA form tCha hu is aLso the GP tcha, discussed abt the tOpics easily and he even said that the children noWadays wOnt really be EXperiencing this kinda thing anymore as the article is based on like 10 yrs ago. it jUs sTEwpit lar. He's nOt in ma place or in any other broken family kiddOs hu suffered hell jus like the way the article stated & he jUs quickLy make an asSumption that the articLe is jus exxagerrating!! like FUCCTTT iT larh!! waS sOo mAd man! & jUS wen i waS abt tO share my commENts abt the article ( we had to give our comments during the discussion), he quickly sAid that in ders dis girl frm other class that shared her personal xperience abt living in disrupted family and my tCha told us that the girl was jus being biAsEd jus bCoz she said abt mostly the -ve side of divorce & got carried awAy lil bit. for me n ma cLaSsmate hu's parEnts are aLso divorcEd, we waS like, oh coME on, u wAnt us tO shAre our commEnts and wen we do, u diSagrees and said it was biased. BUT THAT' the FACT damn it!! thAt's wAt wE, frOm disrupted fAmiLy,wEnt thrOugh wEn oUr pArents gEt sEPArated frm eAch othEr! u dun nOe sO jus SHUT UP! aarrrgghh! okayy...sOo, afta that, he called oUt ma nAme n aSKed fOr ma anSwER to his qn about thE articLe and wen i waS jus abt to share mA ansWer, he cUt & said " Shaikah, y muS i call u name den u share ur comments...it's like a call.. a callgirl.." n den he lAughed. And i was like, WHHAATT!!! u called mE a callgirL???!! WTF is wrong wif u?? u jUS insuLted mE for guDness sakE & u can aCtually laff i off like it was sum kinda jOke! i quiCkly tUrned and lOok at ma classmate next to me and he waS like ' oh shaikah, hOw cud he say that?' n then he shake his head...n some of ma other frens osO found it insuLting & rude. but thEre r sum mONKEYs hu actually laff it off as weLL, taking it as sum randOm comment. i waS DAMN maD larh... i mean, oTher ppl oSo quiet and when u call their name den they share their response, bUt y u attaCk me??? i juS sense that he dislikes me.. i dunNo why... mAyb bCoz sumtink that happened laSt yr... ok, there is this bad incident that involves me laSt yr but i was innOcent lar, But he thOt i cOmmited the -ve aCt alSo so he gOt a bad impressiOn of me afta that incident. ( adit & ziLa & ma othEr cLOSE pEeps knEw abt the incident) sOo, yeAh, i guEss the 'CALLGIRL' thingy is maybe a perSonal attack..i duNno..i juS guEssed.. & it juS SUCKS larh! BIgtiME uH!!
Then, p.E. periOD, did pRE nafa stAtiOns, pull up n standing broad jump, i failed bOth cOz i duNo,mAyb i waS in no moOd to perfOrm or mayb i juS gOt fatter that i cant jump or pull mAseLf uP properLy.. SHITS uh..
THEn, aCtually afta sCh, suppOsedLy planned to mit uP wif mA girLs, ziLa,nAkiah & fiLzah at 5pm. sO at 4.50pm when i finished ma laSt periOd that is the STEwpiT P.E., i called nakiah up tO aSk whEre tHEy r. And she says we r at CT Hall..n still finding joBs.. then she passed her fone to zila..and zila was saying ' y u finiSH so faSt, gO stUdy suMore la..' and she kept repeating that when i aSked her if we really wanna mit up fOr 3 tiMes! u iMagine it larh, i waS like mad aboUt the wholE day thingy and when i aSked her " sO, r we still miting or not? " she answEred, " y u finish sO fast, go and sTudy suMore lah".. and bla bLa bLa.. for 3 consecutives times larh! . i waS sO irritated and i hung uP on hEr. den i mSg nakiah and tOld her im nOt miting anyoNe coz i juS feLt tired and i haf no mOod to chill oUt and i juS decide to head hOme. they were totally confused of ma reaction initially but they undAstOod mE well enuff & advised me to get enuff rest wen i reached home.
To ZILA,NAKIAH & FILZAH : THANKS girLs 4 ur UNdaStanding! And i reAlly apologiSe for ma aCtions yesterday! i waS sO nOt in the best of mOod... sOrry yar.. :D

sOo yeah..yeSterday was a FUCT UP DAY. BUT tOday, fridAy waS soO sOo muCh bEtter! sUrprisingly, i wAs able to ansWer mOst of the qNs cOrrectly during my physics & literature lessons tOday! yeSs! yEehAaa!! wAhaha.. & tOday there wAs No GP lesSon! haha! No sEeing of that 'CALLGIRL' tCHa tdy.. sO i kinda not sO depreSsed today..LOLx.. yEah yeah...

So, thAt's bOut it.. tmr trAiniNg CANCELLED cOz moSt of us gOt oUr GP prOject disCussions and preSentatiOns to do during the wKEnds sO we cant affors to tire oUrseLves with the TRaiNing tmr..sO D'X 21 GIRLS, trainin REsuME NXT SATURDAY! 20 jan '07! kayys! aLrights, gOtta lOgoff Now.. tmr gotta wake up eArly fOr the GP grp mEeting.. sO tO all, thAnks fOr reading thiS EXTREMELY LONG LONG pOSt of mine... THANKS LOTS! :D

_= MurDer the MurDerer to stop the MurDerer from MurDer=_

* 1/13/2007 12:32:00 AM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

heyy peOpLe!!

hMm, i've bEen lOaded wif resEarch,aSsigmEnts,eSsays,gRp projects & grp diScussiOns this wEek... itS kinda tiriNg.. bUt im trynA cOpe and try to manage ma tyMe weLL..sO hOpefully i cAn adjUst mAseLf to the 2nd yr in MI.. haiz.. starting tO feel tired now..stRess cOmin up i guEss...plus thE P.E. periOd is real TORTURE! had tO traIn up fOr PRE-Napha teSt...haiz..tiriNg la...

sO, i cant reAlly updATe mUch this wEek..cOz im lOaded wif lOtsa GP things... sO i will updAte on the wEekends okay? sORi for this iNfreQuent entries! hhOhohO! dO tag if ur hERe! mayb leavE me suM iNspiring and Motivatin' msges to lift up mA tired spirits! wAHaha!! okayy bUbbletea-freAkO viSitors, thAnks fOr drOppin' by mA blog! muAckS to you all! BLAH!

_= MurDer thE MurDerer to stop the MurDerer from MurDer=_

* 1/09/2007 11:16:00 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007

aaAarrggh!! tOday is really nOt a gOod day.. i mEAn, fOr mE, mAseLf..haiz..nOe y? com i loSt ma vOicE! yES! haiz..

SuppoSedly had tO preSent my phySIcs prOject in the new cLaSs tOday & wad da hell, i loST ma vOice sincE laSt midnitE! rreAlly bad uh... but the prEsentatiOn mark is included in the miD yr sO had tO presSEnt it nO mAttER wat..sO yeAh, i fOrcE maself tO spEak lOuder and wel..appareNtly, it wEnt OK... hMm, aCtually didnt pUt ma heArt on it whilE doin tHE slides initially.. coZ thE fREakin tCha kip cHAnging my & my parnEr's tOpic.. it's a pairwork..yeAh,..bUt thE sTupid thing isthat, the tCha ovalOok the tOpics, anOthEr tCha had approve tHE topic that we had proposed initially earlier so we had tO do another tOpic & she suggested ths topiC 'ELECTROMAGNETISM". so i stArted to research on that tOpic and finally submit ma pROposal for that toPic. buT bLoody hEll, shE apologises and easily ask us tO chg another tOpic as the topic has been taken up earlier.. like WAD DA HELL!! she suggested the topic herself and whEn we r halfway done making the notes on that tOpic, shE say that topic had been approved for another grp! & shE didnt even teLL us bOut that eArlier until wE aSk hEr if oUr proposal has bEEn approved or not. oncE she approve it, we can send her the lecture notes which r aLmOst coMplEte!! & nOw that she has ovalOoked EVErytHing, she wanna pUt thE blaME on me & ma partnEr! SO wE deCided to email hEr that it's difficult for uS to mEet the dateline if she kips cHangin the tOpic and shE sAid sHE undAstand. BUT, UNEXPECTEDLY, she told our lAst yr physic tCha that wE kip poStponing the leCture nOtes which r in powerpoin slide fOrm! FREAKING FREAK! sHE SUCKS man! SHE SUCKSSS!!! EeEEEEeeee!! YuCks! oLd haggarT fREak! i really DAMN the tCha! hypOcritE no. 1 UH!!

heCk dat, afta thE sTupid presentation, i got a break.. didnt eat.. jus bOught crysanthemum tea for break... cUDnt taLk mUCh wif ma cliChe tOday at thE tabLE.. tO waTeVEr jOkes thEy preSented, i jUS laff....haha! cUnt cOmmENt anitink! LOLx..

thE sCH cantEen...hMm.. updatE boUt it suM othEr tiMe...

ouh well..sO afta break, it's LITERATURE lessOn for 2 period b4 sCh ended at 12.45pm. and it's a new tCha, quite gd lOokin as claiMed by thE DRAMA cLub ppL...haha... bUt thE attitUde, oh my GOATY GOAT! he sUCks! reAlly, firStly hE aSKed us to do this aSsignmENt about CRITICAL ANALYSIS. all of uS wEre BLuR! wE DidN nOe wat tO analyse on n stuff.. hthe instruction is nOt CLEAR at all.. bUt hE jus kept quiet n demand us to cOmplEte it by 12pm.(we stArted doin at 11.15)... so wad de hECk, wE all juS writE CRAP! haAhhaA.. yeAh, after that hE aSked us to go for 7mins brEak to da toilet or water cOooler..sO we went.. n wen we returned, he ask us to stand n tell him our name lOud n clEar. so its my turn was like..the third last.. im da onli girl left n 2 other guys.. sO he my cLASsmates shouted ladies firSt so that suCker tCha point at me for ma name. so i said it once, he was like, "again?", i said it the 2nd tiMe, and he was like.."SHAI..KAh..Okayy.." haha..so i sat dwn afta he kol ma nAMe. my tWo guy claSsmaTEs atlas sat dwn too...n stuff..after that, he go tru wads da meaning of CRITICAL ANALYSIS and he caLLed mE oUt of othEr girls to anSwEr his queStions n all..cOme'on, i loSt ma vOicE! cant really speak Loudly but i tink hE kip aSKin mE to ansWer the qSn..but i tink he noe that i got a sOre throat coz whEn i spEak sOftly tO aNswer his question, hE didnt sCold but wEN othErs said softly, he remarked them wif sum sArCasm.... and den wEn wE already nOe how to do it, he says" sO, izzit still difficult to do the aSignement?huS at fault now? me or u? " he aSk the whole cLasS, n we haD nO cHoice bUt tO admit thAT it's oUr fault..liKE SO STUPID.... eEeEe!!! HE SUCKS BIG TIME! aftEr hE left oUr clASs, dEn aLL of uS started TALKING AND DISSING HIM! haha!! hAd fUn cRitiCising him... ouh no, it shud bE " CritiCal aNalySIs on Mr F*** attiTude"! wAHahha!! yeAh.. hE's jus egOistic i guEss.. uh, coME on, GUYS.. wad dO u expEct if nOt egOism frm 'em? LOLx...

yeAh, sO baSicly, that's sum shiTs that had bEen happEnin' tOday, FRI 05/01/2007. yeAh.. will pOst again sOon. gOtta gET suM wArm wateR for my throat. hOpe tO regain my voiCe baCk sOon.. :D okayys, till hEre... (waitin for my diAmOnd to return frm hEr OriEntatiOn..wanna eat 'LUnCh' wif her.. bUt since its alreaDy 5 pm by thE time i finiSH typing thiS poSt, i tink i'll juS wait for ma hEr tO eat 'early dinner' togatha... ok! BLAH!

_=MurDer thE MurDerer tO stop thE MurDerer frOm MurDer=_

* 1/05/2007 04:11:00 PM

Thursday, January 04, 2007

woah! fiNally, retUrn baCK tO skOoL! yahoOOo! haha..ouh weLL, thE 'yahOo' part is cOz i'll be miting nEw facEs..yUpp..thOSe ppL frOm bartLEys caMpus! haha..oKayy, tO tHose hu r abit bLur, i will cLarify ryTE nOw..

Millenia Institute is the resultant of the emergence of O.I. & J.I. (aSk ur mOm or dAd if ur nOt suRE wad O.I. & J.I. is ). So M.I. is formed coz of the emergence. And thEn, MI was split intO 2 campuses, namely TOHTUCK CAMPUS (mA cAMpuS!!) & BARTLEY CAMPUS ( nOt mIne!) :D
..yEAh..clEar sO far? gOod. And thEn, reCentLy, a neW hUge enOrmoUs CAMPUS was built @ bkt bATok sO that bOth thE TOHTUCK & BARTLEY will merge in thE new caMpus as oNE. tHEREfore, here it is, currentLy,iM Continuing mA 2nd yr in the SPANKING new CAMPUS! sO nOw, there is NO MORE TOHTUCK or BARTLEY. there is only MILLENIA INSTITUTE. (Quoted froM MI priNcipaL : MR TAN CHOR PANG). yUpp..wAHaha.. sO yeaH..baSicLy the nEw locatiOn is easily accessibLe compAred to the previous locaton at bkt tmh toh tuck rd. and i thank GOD for letting me experience the oLd & the nEw buildings of MI. Its a special fEeling u nOe, it's like..im embracing the history while welcoming the future...LOL.. crap uh shAikah! hEEeehEe.. bUt dat's my personal view larh, duNo bOut oThErs.. hopefully tHEy feel the same way i feLt.. :D

yeAh... but one thing for sure that EVERYONE agreed upOn (even the teAchers) is that, the NEW SPICK & SPAN CAMPUS is sOooo PERFECT & beAutifuL & ExtreMeLy cOnducive & convenient fOr doin reseArch & study fOr A levels! wAhaha! i mean, thE library is sO damn biG + many air-condiioned rooms available for reserves for grp studies & personal consultation wif the teAChErs! a lOt of courts, a hUge STADIUM, a vAriety of diff cuLtUres fOodstaLL in the canteEn, air conditionEd hall, large lEcture thEaters, oH my gOat, wad mOre can i aSk fOR????

realli feLt hOnoured to be able to experience stUdying in MI's new campus.. :D
hOpefully, it will motivate me to achieve gd grades wif so many facilities available in the campus! jus nOw had the 1st P.E. for 2 periods frm 3.30pm to 5 pm..it was COOL! wana nOe y its COOL?? bCoz....wE spEnt both thE periOds in the big big leCture theAter, lisTEning tO the blabberings of the P.E. Dept ppL! hHEhe...well, they wERe talking bOut the upcoming pLanned sports activities that we can take part in n stuff.. also, they touch on the use of GYM! (cant's wait to attack the new compLeted GYM!) :D ouh weLL, it's pREtty tiring listenin for 90 mins in the theater hall but heck care, we all had fun & appreciated the RARE OPPORTUNITY of spending a reLaxed P.E. ever in the COOL envirOnmEnt! wEhehe...

okayy, eNuff fOr now abOut my NEW MOvED cAMpUs, dun wAnna brAg abOut it muCh, jUS in caSE u might find mE boAsting or wadever, i apoLogises aLrights! mA intEntiOn is jus to shAre wad i really fEel about the relocatiOn of MI.. yeAh.. :D

ouh, one more thing, iM dOwn wif FLU! AGAIN! haiz.. unfOrtunately starting a new yr & the firSt day of sCh wif fLu virus! *sigh* .. well i guEss, many othErs arE falling siCk tOo.. thEy say its the periOd of fLu virus here in s'pore..hhMM.. hOpefully i can recOver soOn, dun wan to sound 'sengau' of funny wen talkin wif mA neW bartLey clazmates! whEe! aLrights dUdes & dUdettes, dO tAG aftA reAding dis poSt.. wanna nOe ur oPiniOns bout this post .. wAHah..

okayyz, BLAH!

_= U arE uNfoRgiveN tiLL etErniTy=_

* 1/04/2007 11:43:00 PM

->BlOody 20.PakisArabChinese.tO da wEst.MilleNia Inst.lOve pOp & siStaz.bUbbLetEa.fiSh&chip.babies. muSic.mOvies.HiPhOp'iN.stReEtsOcca. ThaNks 4 ViSitiN.NOTE: THIS BLOG WORKS BEST WITH INTERNET EXPLORER!=D <-

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[fer heLpin' oUt wif mY layOut & iNtrOduce mE tO this blOggiN' worLd!
> >dUn lafff uH u aLL!< <

[iDEas ♂ origiNal bY my bRaiNetwOrk • nO iMMitatOrs!