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Monday, September 24, 2007

OOoookayy... sOo... wAt's neXt? hmmm...

It stArted oUt fine, sOo fine thAt thEy cAnt spOt any fauLts.
She was reLuCtant. Very reluCtant. & He waS nOt givin uP, tryin his vErybeSt.
He shOwed her siNcErity. She waS mOved. And sO, She deCided tO tO gif him the frieNdship.
The caLL waS Every mOrning, Every niGht. voIces hEArd, jOkes & teaSes xchAnged. She bcamE a nEw pErsOn, fuLL of lAughter & jOy. All thanks tO hiM, his nAturaL sense of huMour.He love heAring hEr vOice. She loves his tonE of vOicE. Everything went well. Chill out at night, sitting side by sidE, admiring eaCh othEr's chAraCter, appreciAting eaCh othEr's presence,tREasuring eaCh othEr's love, withOut any tOuch or diSreSpect. It was aLL in the heArt, mind & sOuL UNTIL........................................

He went away fOr 3 mOnths, sadly lEAvin hEr behInd, hArdLy cOntaCtin eaCh othEr.She undaStand hiS pOsition aS he hAd tO fuLfiL his dUty aS a sOLdier. She suppreSsed her emotiOn bUt CUdnt cOntroL thE teArs frOm flOwing. iT wEnt on fOr 4 consEqutive niGhts. MiSsing thE pErsOn whO usEd tO bE thEre, tO chEer hEr up. She wrOte a diAry aLL abOut hiM. ThAt's the onLy wAy for hEr tO exprEss her inner fEeling. She waS frieNdLess at tt pOint of tiMe. Her famiLy wEre brOken, lEAvin her alOne to deaL wif hEr grOwin up yEArs. Nonetheless, shE made it, wif hiS heLp. But her hAppiness waS shAttered on the day he left hEr. She waS clUeLess, heLplEss. & shE wEnt intO sEveraL dEpreSsions.

When hE finally retUrned, he caLLed her. She was sUrprised, speeChless. They mEt, undEr the bEAutifuL shining mOon. They taLked, thEy jokEd. They feLt happy sEein eaCh othEr. UNTIL...................

She sEnsed a chAnge in him. It was oBviOus. She aSked hiM why but hE cuDnt repLy. Instead, he pOsted tt queStiOn baCk tO hEr. & He aCcused hEr of not bEing thE girL he knEw bEfore. AngEr arises. An argUment oCcured. & They deCided tO go sEparate ways. Never Again will mEet. ThOugh they wEre nevEr tOgAthEr in the 1st placE, tHE heArtaChe is feLt. ExtreMeLy pAinfuL. ExtreMely sAd.

Months later, He contaCt hEr baCk. She waS shOcked, bUt she tried tO relax. And they bury thE hatChet, things wEnt finE. Thou its nOt the samE, bUt they run it weLL. However, its jus for shOrtwhile. He tOld hEr he cAnt be thE gUy shE wAnts him tO be. He sHowed hEr his exgf photO. He tOld hEr he miSsed hiS exgf. She coNtained her feEling weLL. She knOws it fOr surE tt shE tOo cAnt bE thE girL he wAnts hEr tO bE. And sO, thEy sEparated. Again. For lOng tiMe, until hE sMsed her one fine day. She replied, wif full of curiOusity & confusiOn. He cudn explAin his retUrn nOw. And he dunnO wAt he wAnts nOw. She duN wAn anOthEr sEparation, nOr anymOrE relatiOnship wif hiM. He got wAt shE meant. He prOmisEd nEver tO bOthEr hEr again, if shE tiNks thAt hE is a bOther. And then............he lEft. Never tO retUrn. For gOod. And shE miSsed hiM, kinda reGret her aCtiOn. But she kNows thAt, itS nOt fatEd bEtwEen him & hEr.

And reCentLy, she tried contaCTin hiM, hOping tO hAf a cuP of coffEe tOgathEr. But she fAiled tO gEt trU hiM. FinaLLy, hE waS onlinE & thEy chAtted fOr awhiLe. He lEft hEr hiS nEw ovErseAs contaCt, hOping thAt shE wUd caLL. He tOld hEr hE's stAyin thEre, oversEas, tO cArve oUt hiS cAreer tHere, for gOod. She waS spEeChless. She dUnO hOw tO reaCt. Shud shE bE hAppy fOr hiM or shUd shE be sad for hiS absEncE? She wiShed hiM all thE beSt fOR hiS futurE endeavOurs. He wiShed hEr thE samE thing tOo. And sO, thE speCiaL fAirytaLe eNded, wif a compLicAteD unexplanabLe eNding .......

_~ aLL thE lOve in dA wOrLd~_

* 9/24/2007 04:36:00 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2007


yEsSsssa! hAd a spLendid tiMe @ GeyLaNg wif my favOuritE peOpLe, The F SWARN! yAy! heEhe.. weLL, actualli, wEre miSsin oUt on 1 pErsoN, MR SAL! sadLy, hE cUdnt jOin uS fr thE brEAkfaSt bUke .. MR SAL, evryoNE aSked abt yOu, u nOe!! :(
bUt, wE duN blAmE it oN yOu lar.. wE undaStAnd ur situAtiOn.. we miSs yOu! :D

And sO, wE stArted oFF tO mit at yiShun mrt! The funny pArt is, i dun even realisE thAt Fara was on the samE trAin! hAaha! well, i kinda suSpect it bUt i thOt tt she might hAf bOarded the train b4 mine and sOo, went i went oUt of da trAin @ yShn tO mit Amy & Maman, suddenLy Fara appeared tOo! hAaha! And alOng the wAy, i saW this mAlay guy whO reseMbles suMonE in ma mSn contaCt bUT am nOt suRE if its hiM... but thE thing is, hE kEpt lOokin at me duRIng thE wholE jOurnEY frm my pLace tO yShn! hAAha! well, mAyb its hiM lar, & mAyb hE nOtiCEd it waS mE, hiS msN bUddy tOo.. hAaha.. oUhh weLL, iF its hiM, den let me jus say "HI" in here.. hAaha... as if hE nOes my blOg add! oUh, & his name is Mr. AniQ Nu'aim..,yeSs, its a niCe name. :D

Den, reaChed Paya Lebar, wEnt tO TKC tO tAke a lOok at suM HAry Raya coStumEs.. & i sEt ma eYes on thiS piNk bAjukUrung, its reAlly niCe.. thE pink is qUitE elegant. hOwevEr, thE avail size was XL & XXL. damn biG larh! hAaha! well, mAyb can wAIt fOr tHE stOCks tO comE lar hUh.. hAaha.. bUt hEy, i didnt plan to wear kUrung lar, i wAnna wEar bEngaLi cOstuMe! hEehe.. My sis sUggested kEbAya... & i jus lAff my head off lArh! ME? KEBAYA? ME? hAhaaa! vEry fuNNy! i miGht gEt stUCk fOr gUdnEss sakE! HAHA! bUt sOme of thE kEbaya that i sAW lOoks rEAlli gUd, bUt thE slEeve is jArang ( can sEe trU).. sOO.. i dun tiNk it sUits mE..hMMz.. sO, foRgEt kEbAya! hAaha! And sOo wE windOwshOp thE bAjus & mAkE lOts of NOise & commEnts.. wEn fara shoWed us this lOng dreSs, and then we commented, shai: ' mCm prinCess sEsat jEr! Ridz: ' ni bAju kE lAngsir.. ' hAaha! tHe dreSs waS sOooo..... BIG & bAggy! Amy juS lAugh hEr heads off! hAaha.. weLL, thE dEsign is nice lAr bUt thE cutting iS nOt suitabLe fOr us tO wEar...sOo yEah.. hAaha. CANCEL! lOl..

dEn dEn.. wE off tO 2nd level whEre fAra & maseLf gOt sOO hOoked uP on sum wEdding dress & shOes (MANIQ) & bEAutIfuL bEd & hOusehOld deCors & stuff.. oh mA gOat, da boTh of us juS thOt of gEttin mArried ryte aWay! hAaha.. thE 2nd lvl stuff wEre all niCe & Fara is alrEady iMagining thE tOur on thE hOusehold decOrs wif hEr 'huSband'! hAaha! cita cita punye tinggi lar ni anak! hEehe... dEn yada yada yada.... off tO bUke @ Haigh Rd! yadayadayada....

dEn off tO the BAZZAARR! RRRAaarrr!! hAaha! weLL, it waS sOOo sMOkEy & kECOh! aS usual, its cROwded wif M&Ms.. bUt thE fOOd is yummy! i bOught KROPOK LEKOR & DENDENG w/ SugarcAne drink! niCccceee! Nad & mE wEre sOo excitEd tO buy DENDENg! woOo! hAaha! And dEr's dis point of tiME when Wani & mE paSt dis pAkcik whO sells sum fOod & sUddenly he aSked us sO semangatly, ' Penah dgr tAk?? PenAh dgr tak?? In my heArt i waS like aSkin, pEnah dgr ape seh.. dEn hE aSked again, ' pEnah dgr tk kAt sini adE rOti BoYan?! hAa! ' HAHA! bUAt kLakar jE pAkCik rOti bOyan tU! CatChline lar tU kOnonz! hEehe.. oUh, b4 tt, wEnt tO JoOcHiAtComplex & guess wAt?! i sAw thiS gd lOokin yOung pAkis guy! well, hE waS helpin oUt at i tiNk his dad's or uncle's shop whiCh sElls sum hAndbags & stuff... & i nOtiCed hIm wEn hE waS stAndin nEar thE entranCe... And sO, wEn fara wEnt it tO pAy fOr hEr bAg,i tAgged alOng! yeSs! jUs tO wAlk past hiM & lOOk at hiM again! sUrpriSingLy, wEn we walked in, he lOoked at mE! hAahA! i saw him lOokin bUt i prETend tO lOok eLsewhEre.. dEn wen i lOok again, oHmagOat! hE waS still hAvin his eyes on mE! hAaha!! *hAppy hAppy* dEn i pAiseh alReady lar.. hAaha.. dEN afta Fara pAid fOr hEr stuff, wE left da shOp & i reAlli AM gOin baCk tO tt shOp tO buy a bAg frm dEr, well, coz its chEAp lar.. & oK, i admit, i wAnna sEe hiM again! hAaha! *gatal gataL* :D

And sOo, wE lEft thE placE wif lOtsa fUn! we crApped,jOked,lAffed,waSheyes,caMwHOred ALL likE nObOdy's bUsineSs! hAaha! And sO, wE shall chiLL oUt again soOn! tO thE beaCh? or mOvieS? anybOdy?? hAaha! Daaaa!

i lOve my fAVoUritE ppL, ' the lOveLy FSWARNS! ' :D

_~aLL thE lOve in da wOrLd...~_

* 9/23/2007 02:10:00 AM

Saturday, September 22, 2007

hOlAaaa! woOo!
And so, thUrsday night rOcks uh! hEehe.. wif whO eLsE bUt thE sOccarEttes! ZiL,Nik,Cess, my loveLy babEs wEre oUt tO wdLnds BanQuet fOr oUr bukE! & HEy, we juS cAnt stOp lAughing oUr hEAds & aSses oFf! hAahaha!!! once a pErsOn dO an actiOn, & its cAught by anOthEr pErsOn, thE wholE groUp wiLL hAf a sharE & makE thE persOn's aCtioN as onE thAt is fuNny & shIok sEndiri! hEehe.. *rEmembErs nik's tingling fingErs wEn shE walks dwn thE bAzZaar!* hAaha! bEst uh nik! :D

And sO, wE taLk & taLk nOnstOp, lAff oUr hEArts oUt eaCh & evry sEc... woOo.. luCky stiLL brEAthing lar! hAahA! ThanK GOD thEre's enuff oXygEn in thE maLL.. hEehe.. and thEn, and then ryte, wE all wEnt tO takE NEOpriNts! wOooohhhaa! hAaha! yessSssa, its bEen sOo blOody long tiMe sinCE i laST toOk thAt jApanEse prints! & hEy, it turned oUt finE, aLL of us lOok prEtty bEAutifuL & coOL lar in thE prints! hEehe... (seLf-apprAisaL lar uh) hAhaa! oUh, & b4 that, wE acTualli droPped by tO buy chEese pancAke, weLL an eMbArraSsin thIng hAppEned dEr, infrOnt of thE mAkCiks, aLL duE tO ZiL's & Cess'S itChy fingErs! grrrrr! lUccky nO haNdsoME mAts aroUnd, if nOt, taK GLAM!! hAaahaa!!

And sO, wE finally tOok oFF at 10pM! hAaha! And that waS on thURsday, (friday is a skOOl-ing day)... hEehe.. nOtty nOtty kittiEs! :D

BaCk hOME, LethArGIC! hAaha.. Even wen my frEn called, i talked like a zombiE cOz i juS cudnt smile or laff anymORe. nO moRe strEngth left. SERIOUSLY! wooooOoo! And sO, we shaLL gathEr gAthEr again suM timE soOn! (ok, i will mAke myseLf frEe on wEeknds 4 ur sakes larh u sOccamOnstErs!) hEehe.. alrights, switChing oFF! DAaaa!

_~ aLL thE lOve in da wOrLd...~_

* 9/22/2007 02:38:00 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My whoLe bOdy iS sshhiverrriinng ...i dUn feeL goOd......aararrggh!
nOnO, im NOt siCk. i juS fEeL aS if suMtiNk bAd is gOna happen anytiMe soOn.. nonO, nothing's gOna hAppen. NO!

_~aS lOng aS iM brEathing~_

* 9/19/2007 11:37:00 PM

oK... soOoo.. PrOmoS oVA! yeSs! sOoo.. iM supposE tO HurrAyy like nObOdy's bUsineSs, HOWEVER, i juS fEeL guiLty. i mEan, comE on', aLL da pApErs i sat fOr juS spELLs ' 50-50'. it'S eithEr thE pAper 1 bEing scrEwd uP & the papEr 2 bEing dO-able or vicE vErsa. FraNkLy spEAkin, i hAf nO coNfidEncE in thE pRoMo xm... weLL.. slightLy. i duNo mAn, it'S juS sOo blOody scArry. sCarrier thAn 'The Ring'. & i nOe its nOt oNLy mE fEelin dis wAy bUt thE whoLe of Pre-U 2 MiLLeniAns. it'S jUs a shiitty fEelin thAT i gEt aftA evEry pApEr.. oUh weLLs, why shUd i whinE abOut it. it's doNE & it's ovEr. wAt's donE cannOt bE unDOnE. & i duN finE thE lOgiC if i werE tO sit fOR thE A LeveL H1 Papers dis yr afTEr guEsSin thAt my Promo resuLts gOnna be suCckkish, rytE? T.A.K. L.O.G.I.C.! :(

weLL, sTudies aSide. nOw, gOtta heLp my frEn in nid. sPEakin frM xperiencE, i reAlly hOpE u will bE abLe tO stAnd uP & battLe urwAy ouT. dO nOt, i sAy DO NOT givE any mOre exCuses cos it mAy bE sEen as a hOpe tO tHE othEr pArty invoLved. & duN be nEutraL. u cAnt affoRd tO do thAt in this casE. U hAf tO stAte ur staND fiRMLy & gEt it insidE his hEad, FOREVER. Dun woRi, i'll bE wif U shall a cOnfrOntatiOn is nEeded. iM wif U. aLL thE wAy. U can dO it! i bElievE iN yOu. yUpp.

_~aS lOng aS iM brEathing~_

* 9/19/2007 01:41:00 AM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HEyyya!! hAaha!! i'vE jUS rEVamp-ed my bLog skin & lAyOut! hAaha! weLLweLL.....stiLL gOt lOtsa stUff tO dO! wiLL woRk oN it sOOon!

hhAaha! yes yES.. noW, FINALLY, aftA sUCh a LOng lOng lOng tiMe ( u cAn coMpare thE datE of my laSt entry & thE datE tOday) iM gOna stArt bLOggiNg agAin!! BUT, nOt nOw... wiLL stArt sOOn! i've LOTSA & i mean LOTSAAAA stuff tO teLL diS dEary bLOg of MinE! hEehe.. sOoo.... u guYs juS cheCk it oUt lar.. guEss, by tONitE.. yUpp. sOOoo.. hAppie faSting & breAkfaSting & sAhURing tO aLL my BROS & SIS OF ISLAM! & tO thOsE hu juS fiNished ur laSt papEr ( likE mOi) gO EnjOy enJOy! GO!! hAaha! DAaAaa! :D

* 9/18/2007 05:40:00 PM

->BlOody 20.PakisArabChinese.tO da wEst.MilleNia Inst.lOve pOp & siStaz.bUbbLetEa.fiSh&chip.babies. muSic.mOvies.HiPhOp'iN.stReEtsOcca. ThaNks 4 ViSitiN.NOTE: THIS BLOG WORKS BEST WITH INTERNET EXPLORER!=D <-

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[fer heLpin' oUt wif mY layOut & iNtrOduce mE tO this blOggiN' worLd!
> >dUn lafff uH u aLL!< <

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